New & Forthcoming

Six poems The Academy of American Poets
Reading Virginia Woolf in a Women in Literature Class at Bergen County Community College” and “A Condo for Sale in Kearny, NJ” The Common April Poetry Feature: New Metamorphoses
Six Poems Peste Magazine
“Author’s Myth” New England Review (audio here)
When Will You Learn There Isn’t a Word for Everything?” Bennington Review
Inventory” and “Teaching the Persona Poem at Ramapo College of New Jersey” Massachusetts Review
"Animal Dressed in the Skin of Your Silence”; “Reading Odi et Amo After Going to the Bronx Zoo”; and “Giving the Names of Things Their Solitude” Waxwing
Mary Magdalene, Mary Oliver, & Me” Brazenhead Review
Ode to the Sudden Forgetting of Your Grief” and “Moses in Brooklyn” Laurel Review
Borges Sells Me the Apple, Sells Me the World”; “Twentieth Century Novel”; & “Borges Sells Me the Apple, Sells Me the World” Brink Literary Journal

Selected Poems (Online)

"Poem Ending in the Light” Los Angeles Review of Books
Two Poems Kenyon Review
Two Poems Epiphany Literary Magazine
"Sundown, Looking at My Estranged Cousin’s High School Yearbook Picture and All the Damage DoneThe Common
"The Recursive” Poetry Northwest
Two Poems Four Way Review
“I remember the Rabbits of Sasso Field” Gulf Coast
“It Can’t Be Taken” and “Like Television” The Abandoned Playground
“Sudden Hymn in August” Los Angeles Review
“Mockingbird” Narrative Magazine, Poem of the Week
“A Blessing” Narrative Magazine
“After” and “Calling Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic” Tupelo Quarterly
“Alaska,” “Dissociation,” and “Continuum” Conjunctions
"The Women of Highbridge Park" TriQuarterly
"Midnight Sun" Supporting Women Writers in Miami (SWWIM) Every Day
"Winter" Supporting Women Writers in Miami (SWWIM) Every Day
"Beyond the Field" THRUSH
"To Brooklyn and Part Way Back" The Cortland Review
"As for Me, I Used to Be a Bird" Meridian
"Postcard From Alaska" Bennington Review
"Learning to Be Still" Narrative Magazine, Poem of the Week, & 30 Poems to Stir the Heart
Winner of the Discovery/Boston Review Poetry Prize
"Bloemenmarkt" Cider Press Review

2021-"Carnation” translation of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, Beacon Quarterly
2021-"Grief” translation of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, The Cortland Review
2021- Three Translations of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger with introduction, Jewish Currents
2021-”To Life” translation of Rose Ausländer with introduction, Jewish Currents
2021-Translation Folio of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger with introduction, Burrow Press Review
2021-”Rain” and “Evening” translations of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger with introduction, Waxwing Literary Magazine
2021-”Autumnal Cutout” and “On the Steps of Heaven” translations of Rose Ausländer, Epiphany Literary Magazine, print only
2021- “Colors” and “Song” translations of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, Denver Quarterly, print only
2021- “Late Afternoon” translation of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, Arkansas International, online and print
2020-Four Poems by Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, Los Angeles Review
2020- “I am the Rain",” “Ja,” and “August” translations of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, Vagabond City Lit

Essays, Reviews, Interviews & Etc.
Review of Cynthia Cruz’s Hotel Oblivion, The Los Angeles Review of Books
“Active Shooter: When Language isn’t Enough” Essay, AWP: The Writer’s Notebook
"Interview - Poet Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello" Columbia Journal Online